We are incredibly grateful for the dedication, passion, and teamwork that our #COLENCO…
Colenco LTD. – part of the working meeting organized by the Macedonian – German Economic Association #AHK
An important event was organized by the Macedonian – German Economic Association #AHK in which COLENCO together with #EnerSolarEstate took part on a working meeting which was held with Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski .
The event was attended by more than 100 representatives of member companies of #AHK , also was an excellent opportunity to inform the Macedonian government about the ever-growing economic cooperation between Germany and North Macedonia, as well as about our upcoming projects and challenges.
Prime Minister Mickoski used the opportunity to inform the present entrepreneurs about the plans of the new Government related to economic development, and added that the top priority of the Government is a stable business environment with transparent economic policies and provision of even better conditions for domestic and foreign investors.
Thank you to the Director of #AHK Nordmazedonien / North Macedonia for the invitation, we look forward to good cooperation in the future!