We are incredibly grateful for the dedication, passion, and teamwork that our #COLENCO…
Colenco at the “Modernization of Renewable Energy Infrastructure” Conference in N. Macedonia
Colenco recently participated in the “Modernization of Renewable Energy Infrastructure in North Macedonia” conference.
Organized by AHK Macedonia and under the auspices of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate of Germany.
🌏 The event brought together representatives from Macedonian, Albanian, and Kosovo companies, institutions, and consultants.
The conference focused on advancing renewable energy infrastructure, with special attention to German solutions in the fields of photovoltaic power plants, energy storage technologies, and intelligent grid management.
It also served as a platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities related to the integration of renewable energy sources in the region.
The event was officially opened by Andreas Hopf, Regional Manager of the Energy Export Initiative Office of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), and Sanja Božinovska, Minister of Energy, Mining, and Mineral Resources of Macedonia.
Colenco had the opportunity to connect with industry leaders, share innovative ideas, and engage in constructive conversations about overcoming obstacles in the renewable energy sector.
Colenco remains committed to contributing to the region’s energy transition, supporting technological advancements and facilitating the integration of renewable energy into local markets. 🤞 🍀