We are incredibly grateful for the dedication, passion, and teamwork that our #COLENCO…
Colenco Ltd. at the celebration of 75 years of long term partner company CERB
Mr. Nikola Bitrak CEO of Colenco Ltd. attended the celebration of 75 years of long term partner company CERB, which took place in Sofia Bulgaria on 20th November.
Today more than 150 qualified engineers, technicians and employees work in this company. CERB has 20 000 m 2 of manufacturing facilities, workshops, laboratories and administrative buildings.The first CERB workshop was established in 1948 – a small workshop for repair of rotating electrical machines. In 1956 CERB started performing repair works for transformers. The necessity for mechanic processing of the equipment determined the establishment of the mechanic workshop.
On this occasion Colenco Ltd. wishes to CERB many more years of successful work as well as fruitful collaboration with our company.