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COLENCO attended the Panel Discussion for Smart Renewable Energy Planning
The panel discussion was held on 06.10.2023 in Skopje, organized by the Center for environmental research and information Eko-svest, regarding to the presentation of the study Accelerating a Renewable Future: Using Brownfields and Barren Lands for Wind and Solar Energy Siting in North Macedonia. The study is prepared by: Research Center for Energy and Sustainable Development of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANU) as a part of the project „Exploring Pathways for Low-Impact Energy Solutions in North Macedonia” implemented by The Nature Conservancy, MANU and the Center for environmental research and information Eko-svest.
The main goal of the two years research, elaborated in the study, is determination of the best possible locations for setting up solar PV and wind power plants in Macedonia. During the analysis, only non-cultivable land have been taken into account, such as stone quarries, industrial facilities and low-stemmed shrublands as a possible locations for development the new solar PV and wind power plants, without affecting the environment.