Feasibility Study for new High-Efficiency Heat Power Generation Facilities for our Client Termoelectrica S.A. Chisinau
We are thrilled to share the achievement of another important milestone of our Project in Moldova.
The Consultant lead by #COLENCO Skopje with #EKONERG Zagreb and Urban Technology Alliance – UK, was delighted to present the preliminary results on the development of Feasibility Study for new High-Efficiency Heat Power Generation Facilities for our Client Termoelectrica S.A. Chisinau.
The preliminary findings of the Feasibility Study were the topic of the discussions during work sessions including participants from the Ministry of Energy in Republic of Moldova, The National Agency for Energy Regulation – ANRE, the Grid Operator Moldelectrica, representatives of the World Bank and other relevant partners in the energy field.
During the discussions, the parties analyzed solutions for the development and diversification of sources of thermal and electrical energy production. In addition, the Consultant presented the energy model, technical economic model, preliminary technologies and alternatives for new investments based on modern technologies.
The elaboration of the Feasibility Study is an integral part of the second Project to Improve the Efficiency of Centralized Thermal Power Supply System (PIESACET-2), funded by World Bank Group Moldova.