We are incredibly grateful for the dedication, passion, and teamwork that our #COLENCO…
COLENCO Skopje with EKONERG Zagreb and UTA – successful meeting about project for Feasibility Study for new High-Efficiency Heat Power Generation Facilities for Termoelectrica S.A. Chisinau, Moldova.
We are excited to share important information – the Joint Venture Consultant, leading by COLENCO Skopje with #EKONERG Zagreb and Urban Technology Alliance – UTA, had successful progress meeting about our project for Feasibility Study for new High-Efficiency Heat Power Generation Facilities for Termoelectrica S.A. Chisinau, Moldova.
The Consultant was delighted to present the findings on the FS regarding potential options and scenarios for increasing of the efficiency of the district heating system of Chisinau, capital city of Moldova, for improvement of the quality of district heating and domestic hot water supply services in
the city.
The options which were presented, incorporates along with the different type of natural gas fired cogeneration units, also complementary sustainable solutions, as PV technology with Heat Pumps and Electrical Boilers, Thermal Heat Storage (TES) and Waste to Energy (CHP plant-WTE) solutions.
All included technologies are based on BAT and state-of the art equipment with proven worldwide operational experience. This will facilitate penetration of the significant decarbonization of district heating in Chisinau. The Consultant have analyzed the natural gas, electricity, geothermal, water and solar fuels/energy sources, with fuel flexibility for natural gas which is H2 ready.
On the wrap up mission, the Consultant presented the relevant findings in front of the #WorldBank’s representative and other relevant stakeholders as Ministry of Energy, MEPIU and Termoelectrica S.A.
Here’s to continuing the journey toward positive global impact!
#districtheating#decarbonization#sustainability #positiveimpact#EnergyTransition